× Spam Alert

It has recently come to HKECIC's knowledge that certain unauthorised parties have used the email address of "[email protected]" to send out spam mails to various recipients making a proposal for transfer of funds out of Syria or making a donation of payment. HKECIC hereby declares that such emails are not legitimate emails issued by HKECIC. Please remove such emails if you have received any. You may consider reporting to the local law enforcement body if you have responded to such emails or have any communication with the spammer or you find your own circumstances warrant. HKECIC has taken actions to contain the incident immediately upon discovery. We strongly advise you to remain vigilant if you come across any suspicious email.

For any enquiry, please contact our service hotline on (852) 2723 3883.
Fraud Warning

Please verify the genuineness of your buyers, especially new buyers, before entering into new transactions and beware of impersonation scams. An approved credit limit on the buyer does not constitute HKECIC’s confirmation of the authenticity of the party with whom you are communicating. Please be reminded that any financial losses resulting from fraudulent activities are not coverable under your insurance policy.
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